Have an Aging in Place Plan

A simple, aging in place definition would read something like "home renovations that make it possible for seniors to stay in their home as long as possible."

Sounds pretty cut-and-dry, right? But aging in place is more complicated than that - just like any new lifestyle, it requires a solid plan to ensure it's successful.

At Premier Aging in Place, it's our passion to provide renovations that help seniors stay in their beloved homes. With the right modifications, we make aging in place as convenient as possible, helping you ensure your golden years are golden.

Planning for what modifications, installations, and additions will make the most financial, and logistical sense are not easy decisions. We're here to help! Use the tips below that are aimed to assist you personally, and also help communicate your needs with loved ones as you start make decisions.

Photo by Esther Ann

Access to Care

First, make sure you have access to medical care, whether that's aging in place home care services or visiting your doctor every few months. You may not be able to drive well, so it's important to make sure someone’ll be around to take you to your appointments.


Aging in place works the best when friends and family members live close by. Having a close knit support system right in your own community makes such a huge difference in how successful aging in place can be. 

Find Resources

Plan to socialize - consider meeting other aging in place seniors to share tips, so you're prepared as possible when it comes time to discuss details with your loved ones.

Financial Planning

Consider hiring a qualified financial planner, who may be able to help navigate the financial planning aspect of aging in place expenses so you know what to expect. Some financial planners may also be an aging in place specialist in their own right. 

Overall, aging in place is an adjustment, but one that's well-worth it to reduce the risk of injuries, help you retain your independence, and ensure you have the best quality of life possible. Be sure to do your research and check out some more of our aging in place articles!